Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Totally Rad Tuesday!

Please, please, please forgive me for not udating more. I promise I will be better as soon as finals are over. To be quite honest I forgot it was Tuesday. A friend of mine posted this song on her facebook the other day and I'm loving it to the point of jiggyness (yes...that is a real word)!

It is Dog Days by Florence and the Machine. Its the main song from Eat, Pray, Love as well. Your orders here are to turn on, turn it up and JIVE! Enjoy the week! I promise there will be more to come after finals...wish me luck!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Day of Giving Thanks!

"Happy pilgrims learning to cook corn and pumpkins from Native Americans then violently taking their land and giving them small pox and causing their future grandchildren to open casinos and become alcoholics day!"

That was the Thanksgiving text I received from my very best friend this morning. Stereotypical but hysterical none the less. I hope all of you can find something to be thankful for today and go stuff yo face!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Totally Rad Tuesday!

Please forgive my lack of attention to Totally Rad Tuesday! I'm spending Thanksgiving at mommy and daddys's house and have been running around lending the helping hand that is the only daughter. Blood Bank by Bon Iver has been a staple on the play list lately. I watched the video and, at first, anything but loved it...however it has since grown on me. Listening to this song makes me want to do that. It makes me miss something or someone that is no longer there and ache for a happy memory I cant reclaim. I like to drive when I think about heavy stuff but now I can just watch this video...Ha. 

Side note: I am a huge advocate of giving blood but can't do it just now because one has to wait a year after getting a tattoo to give. If giving blood means I might meet a man with a voice like this I will set up camp outside the blood bank...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Walk away from it all

A weekend ago, a friend and I went up to the Northern part of the state and went for a wee hike. Its amazingly beautiful this time of year-leaves and such. We met some cows and her dog, Rain, is a natural in front of the camera.

 We found a couple of houses on the side of the road that appeared to have just been abandoned. It really just looked like someone had a huge party-kids, clothes, KFC and all- then just up and left. Creepy.

 This is Kellie (and Rain)

 This is me. Many people think Kellie and I look exactly alike....we actually agree. Its a but unsettling as to how similar we look on some occasions for not being related at all.

 Run away family.

 Play room gone wrong.

 I would like to think that I make the world mine! Commence Dr. Evil laugh...
 Work it girl!

Trespassing? Us? NEVER!!
(The cows will never tell...)

 Kellie and I....thoughts?

I'm at my parents house for the week helping out because my father just broke his rib. I adore their new house and you can be expecting some photos later. The sun comes in just right and everything looks better on hardwood floors!

Happy Turkey Day Ya'll!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Procrastination station

I have managed to procrastinate doing my homework all day. I conduct the procrastination train. It is getting rather down to the wire on some of these seeing as it is the end of the semester, by down to the wire, I mean I am walking the tight rope on one foot across the Grand Canyon. In my mindless meanderings around the web while ignoring the giant monster that is school I have found this article.

Raise your hand if you're as excited about this as I am! I adored the book and would give my left pinky finger to live in this era. I belong in the '20...or in Victorian Europe, but that is a whole other box of macaroons. The dresses, cars, prohibition infused revelry and pre-depression era mindset make for a wonderful setting. I will be lining up at midnight to see this movie, flapper dress, moonshine and all.

"They looked back at me, remotely, possessed by intense life"
F. Scott Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Totally Rad Tuesday!

Hello all! Welcome back to Totally Rad Tuesday! I've been hard core rocking out in the underoos to this lately... Its just way too much fun not to sway the hips and bounce the step (not to mention the lead singer is hot in a nerdy, I can fix your computer then dance with you like this kind of way...)

Chromeo- Night by Night

Monday, November 15, 2010

Rainy days and Mondays...are alright.

CAUTION: Vent ahead!

What is it about rainy days that either makes people crazy or afraid. People start driving like maniacs. Just because there happens to be water falling from the sky does not give you the right stop in the middle of the road or wait a full minute before beginning to drive when the light turns green.

I forgot a rain jacket today, or maybe I just decided not to bring one. Something about the rain is cleansing to me. Its not that cold outside so the feeling of the rain is nice and refreshing. Walking around campus I keep seeing people running or heads bowed as if they will melt. Who knows? Maybe they will. Wouldn't that be a sight? It has always been and remains to be only water. I plan on enjoying today and following the yellow brick road all the way to Oz.

Despite my best efforts at a sunny mood there is a feeling that comes hand in hand on days like this. These moods call for music with a little soul and whimsy. I realize it isn't Totally Rad Tuesday but Manic Monday is deserving. Ive been listening to Joshua Radin as of late and here is the song that seems to fit my life and day oh so well. I hope you enjoy this little bit of love as much as I do. Go get your favorite blanket and a warm cup 'o joe- your favorite movie is waiting.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Holy Braid, Batman!

My dad used to try to braid my hair when I was little but for some (unknown) reason it would never work and I would end up with a pony tail or a wonderfully matted coif. I used spend my days flopping around in the pool and pretending I was Ariel from The Little Mermaid. When I would get out the chlorine and lack of anti-tangle shampoo contributed to the matte-it was hot. Now I can braid my own hair or, more likely than not sweet talk my roommate into snazzying it up for me. It has become a stylish way to keep it out of my face and escape the bad hair day ridicule at work seeing as I work at a hair salon....

 I tried this look the other day and I ended up looking like a dinosaur...super cute.
 I adore this look. It was in a Free People add. I do believe they show you how to do the fish tail braid here.
 BOWS!!!!! (Always a classic.)
Catwalk, yes. Sidewalk, no.
Last but not least-I braid on a daily basis and I do think I rather rock this.

Go forth and braid!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Ruffle Your Fancy Feathers

Teacher: Sarah, whats your favorite color?
5 Year old me: Uh, black?

Now, my preference for black may have changed but to this day I am not partial to pink. I've never liked the warm side of the color wheel, perhaps because I am a redhead. Once out of my momentary goth stage I discovered, in my 48 count Crayola crayons box (because my parents thought 120 was just being ostentatious) the splendor of Jungle Green. From that moment on my penchant for jewel tones has never wavered. Hence-my possible, unnatural fascination with peacocks. I love that colors like that exist in nature.If something includes peacock feathers or jewel toned blue, green or purple-I want it....
If I wore regular earrings then I would buy this in a heart beat! Its precious. 

I think it would be strange if I walked around like this everyday people might judge but in my dreams I am her.
Happy Birthday Sarah? I think so.
Only male peacocks have these colors. They are to attract the females. Females are birdy brown so that they might be camouflaged when sitting on the eggs.

One day I will have a date to dinner and I will wear purple heels and this in my hair. I will feel beautiful.
....And I will carry this.

Have a look here. She has some beautiful things! This would be perfect to wear to a holiday party.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Totally Rad Tuesday

Dear friends- I welcome you to Totally Rad Tuesday, because lets face it, Tuesdays are not rad. They fall after Monday, yes, but not close enough to Friday for it feel good. So here is a little musical lovin' to spice it up a bit. Check back for more spices to add to the rack.

Passion Pit-Sleepyhead

Monday, November 8, 2010

I Mustache You A Question...

In the spirit of No Shave November I dedicate this post to one particular aspect of facial hair. I happen to love the hairy upper lip...mustache, if you will. In true Dali fashion there are so many ways to style them. I shall share a few of my favorite findings based around the fuzz.
 This is adorable. The key rack in our house continues to fall off the wall; I believe this is the best solution.
 For men: There is finally a stylish way to bandage those little nicks on the upper lip. No more toilet paper pieces!
 How do you not love these?!
 Drink milk out of these and end up with a milk mustache! Ba-dum-ch!
 I would like to have a tea party!
 There is a running joke in my house that I have to find a man, be emotionally ready and have a wedding planned by October 29, 2011. That is my parents anniversary and it has always been the day I would like to get hitched...it happens to fall on a Saturday next year. Crap. So far the only thing I know about my waaaaaay in the future wedding is the necessity of the mustache on a stick. Everyone will have one.
Check out the OffbeatBride on flickr!

The mustache master himself! 
I'm going to leave you with a little mustache on girl love. Now, tell me we're not rocking the 'stache?

Friday, November 5, 2010

Ch-ch-ch-check her out!

Everything about the Mexican tradition Day of the Dead fascinates me. I think it's beautiful how they honor their ancestors every year. But mostly I love the sugar skulls! The intricacy and the color are a wonder! Traditionally they are used to decorate altars and to be eaten but they have evolved into so many other forms of art. Case in point-Sylvia Ji. Her paintings are amazingly beautiful-in a haunting, kinky kind of way.

 I love the monochromatic feel here.
 It just adds to the haunting.
Bride of Frankenstein did her makeup in the dark. 

 I love the detail in her face. Do you think I could get away with wearing makeup like this everyday?

Again, I know it's super early but this is a huge front runner for next years Halloween....
Ji does so much more than just the sugar skull portraits so you should go check out her website. She is an amazing artist!


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cute as a Cupcake!

Today as I was momentarily twiddling my thumbs at work I began think about cupcakes. Yes, the sweet little treats that give you the delight of eating an entire cake but without the tummy ache. They put such a smile on my face with their decadence and plethora of combination's and styles.  I would like to take this opportunity to share with you some of the splendiforous (yes, that is a technical term...) ones I found on imgfave.com. I don't know where many of them came from but would like to stick a couple in my pocket Napoleon Dynamite style-red fro and all.

Attack of the GIANT cupcake! In a totally non threatening, precious kind of way.

Who doesn't like a little cupcake on cupcake love? 

I think this looks like something I would find hidden in my grandmothers purse after she stole it from lunch with the blue haired birds.

Dear Parents, This is what kids consider a daily fruit. Go with it...

I think I'm going to make something like this. Who doesn't love a good leaf?

OH MY! They baked Barney!

These last two I are by and far my favorites. I have an immense love of the 'stache as well as peacocks. I tried to convince my roommate to let me have a pet peacock last week. The look I got well surpassed the typical "That was a dumb question..." look. It bordered on "I'm really going to pretend you didn't just ask me that because if I acknowledge it I might never stop laughing...."

I digress.

Cupcakes are fun! Very masculine, don't you think?