Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wicked Wednesday!


Mine are all due tomorrow. The only thing getting me through it is knowing I have one more class (a week long class, mind you, later this month) and I am done. FOREVER. 
Graduation baby.
That is my excuse for being a little late this week. 

For some reason it is always raining when I post the weekly music and this week is no exception. It's raining and cold and Cage the Elephant seems to know this. Their musical stylings flow fluidly into my head as I write until my fingers bleed. 

CTE seems to get a lot of crap for having a similar sound in voice to Jack White of the White Stripes and here is what they have to say about that. (It's kind of a swift kick in the balls to the critics, media and general haters of the public.) Dig it, yo. 

"In One Ear"
The lead singer went from dirty, 90's grunge to sexy mental patient...I'm alright with this. 
Side note: Anyone else watch "American Horror Story?" Lead singer looks like Tate.

"Shake Me Down"
Loved the song then I saw the video. I cried a little and people in the coffee shop might have thought I was crazy. 

"Around My Head"
This is just hilarious. I like zombies-you should to. 

"Ain't No Rest for the Wicked"
This is what they are known for. 

Hope this helps erase the rainy day blues and put a little pep in your step. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Totally Rad Tuesday!

For some reason it always seems to be gross outside on Totally Rad Tuesdays. Therefore you can rely on the music to warm you up...that and coffee.

Everyone has that one band or musician who they can listen to forever. If I was stuck on a dessert island (with no hope of ever getting off...) and I could only bring three things I would bring a crap ton of books, a lifetime supply of lip balm and a man by the name of Clarence Greenwood or more commonly known as Citizen Cope. 
*Insert googly eyes and dreamy sigh here*

Most people know a song or two of his if they hear it but his voice, music and lyrics stretch far beyond. He is very political but with a voice like honey.  Oh, and the dreads with the face scruff...
Just go listen before I start a tangent.

"Pablo Picasso"

"107 degrees"

"Bullet and a Target"

"Hurricane Waters"
This is my personal favorite. 

Enjoy and stay warm friends! 

Feel free to let me know of new music. My library is in dire need of expansion.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Totally Rad Tuesday!

I apologize for missing last week. It's finals time and graduation (FINALLY!!) on top of that. I resolve to be better from here on out.
I plan on having a little more to post aside from TRT because of this awesome site *drum roll please* PINTEREST
If you haven't heard of this-get on it. It's like crack for chicks. 

I've been crafting more and that really takes away from the school work...not that I was ever that on it to begin with. 

Speaking of tall redheads....
What? Keep up.
I happen to know quite a lot about tall redheads seeing as I happen to be one. That's about all I have in common with my latest musical obsession. 
Florence and the Machine. 

I'm sure most of you know about "Dog Days Are Over" but she has some other songs that are amazing. The beats are fierce and her voice is shiver inducing. They make me want to run. So I this.

"Shake it Out"
I've posted on this before, but I love masks. 
Masked balls.
Bank robberies. 
I'll take it all and this is right up my alley. 

"Heavy In Your Arms"
This was awesome before Eclipse-or in spite of. 
Just sayin.

"Drumming Song"
There is a live version of this that is wonderful. It makes me want to run away from the sound inside my head.

Hope this helps with the studying procrastination! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Totally Rad Tuesday!

I am in a stellar, groovy, excellent, fantastic and down right funky mood today folks. 
Today on my musical roster are some tunes that are either making me laugh and dance in my seat at school not giving a damn who sees me. In fact I HOPE people see me and it puts a smile on their face and a bounce in their step. 

Note: This is me. I have done and continue to do this on a daily basis. Perhaps that is why I love this movie so much. I have also changed my ring tone to this song. Confused friend faces here I come!
If this doesn't make you laugh-you have no soul. 

Now for the real on. It's a toe tapper. 
Natasha Bedingfield-Pocket Full of Sunshine

Rihanna- We Found Love
I'm not her hugest fan but I cant get this song out of my head. Let's dance!

Drake ft. Rihanna- Take Care

If I ever met Drake I would casually shake his hand seeming to be the cool white girl who appreciates his music. I would them proceed to attach myself to him and never let go. Crazy white girl who loves Drake. 

Drake- Little Bit

Empty house. Underpants. Repeat. Loud. Dance. Get it? 

Stay rad my friends. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

No Shave November: Round 2

Looking back, I did a NSN post last year which revolved around my love for mustaches. Now, I don't want you to go around with the notion that I am biased against facial hair. I do not discriminate. 
Beards are hot.
MEN: Grow them. Wear flannel. Cut down a tree. 

Please allow me to share some awesome. 
(I may have gotten a little carried away...)
My advice for men ^ 

This just made me laugh. There is a thing as too much. 

Exhibit A. 

This guy needs a new girlfriend. 

 What happens if they're the same length?


 Before I die, I will knit one of these...


 Yum part deux.

Baby beard!!

My point being...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Totally Rad Tuesday!

It is cold outside...not a fan here.
However, lately I've been listening non-stop to Kings Of Leon and it warms my thoughts. Those thoughts revolving largely around the bearded, redheaded frontman with the voice of a god. I've heard they're a pretty big deal but mainstream aside they are just plain ol' good.
(Side note: Their live shows are something to be seen...wonderful.)
One of my favorite songs of their is called "Milk" It's an old one of theirs and truthfully I think it could be their best work. I did a painting to this music for a class that I might post later.

The singers voice is quite unique and their most recent album is awesome-to say the least. I'll post a few of my favorites. In the sake of full disclosure...they can be a little raunchy. If you're like me at all you will blush a little and smile a lot more. Totally worth the listen.



Mi Amigo

Have a Totally Rad Tuesday, ya'll!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Occupy or Overrated?

Occupy Wall Street.
Occupy Atlanta.
Occupy Oakland.
Regardless of how you feel about the protests one must agree that it is simultaneously heart breaking that people feel the need to rally against something so ardently and awe inspiring that people are still willing to fight (non-violently) for change or a belief. I understand that it has been said the protesters don't have demands or a reason for what they are doing. Truthfully, (and this is why my father and I don't discuss politics) I love what they are doing. I think it has come to mean different things to different people. Personally, I am in support of this. I don't think they are demanding anything for a reason. It is a peaceful protest to bring more awareness to the "99%," a peaceful protest to get voters to think about what they are doing in the coming elections, and a peaceful protest to gain the attention of politicians in the decisions they make in the office we put them in. They are representing us, the people.

We have the right to peaceably assemble.
That said, there are the few that take a protest too far and give the whole movement a bad name. I do not endorse those few.
It breaks my heart most of all to see these protests in Atlanta and Oakland raided by the Police. It is not an Us vs. Them. These men and women put their lives on the line to keep us safe on a daily basis; I respect what they do. It does make me sad that an order has been given for them to raid and arrest people gathered peacefully in a city that they live in, pay taxes towards and contribute to economically. I believe it is largely the threat of violence from the authority figure that causes the protester to react.
My shpeal being spilled...I want to share a blog post and AMAZING photos of the Atlanta raid from a friend of mine. 

Jason Hensel is an amazing photographer with a awesome eye. I can only one day hope to be at his level.
I hope everyone enjoys his post and really thinks about what is going on. Take it to heart. 

"People should not fear their Governments; Governments should fear their people."
-Alan Moore
V for Vendetta. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Totally Rad Tuesday!

Hello World!
Today feels like a good day and I want to share some groovy tunes with you all. 
(Yeah...I  said groovy. Learn to love it.)

I can remember hanging out with friends in high school and listening to this song on repeat. I knew all the words and I thought I was so cool. I learned later that I was not and this is not what was popular in 2004 but I still love it none the less. 
It is amazingly upbeat and will put a pep in your step. I want to be the girl that he's talking about. She sounds awesome!

Brenton Wood- Oogum Boogum.

Enjoy the tunes and Groove on, my friends. Groove on!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Totally Rad Tuesday!

It's still Tuesday! I haven't run out of time yet so I'll make a quick post before taking a nice warm bath (because this weather is already too cold for my taste...) and going to bed. 
Someone asked that I perhaps showcase a band or two that played at Music Midtown this year. Let me say that I am stoked it has been brought back but saddened by the fact I didn't get to go. 

All the more reason to listen to Young the Giant...I didn't get to see them so I need my fill.

"My Body"


They just make me want to get up and dance. 
White man's overbite. 
Work it!!


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thunderous Thursday..?

Forgive me for my lack of Totally Rad Tuesday this week. I had something due in everyone of my classes and because of a glorious sinus infection I, of course, waited until the very last minute. (Let me say I am not proud of procrastination...Kids-don't do this at home.)

Lately, I have been back on a John Mayer kick. There are a couple of truly sexy songs and with the weather getting cooler and warm and touchable clothes coming back into style who doesn't want to listen to some Mayer and cuddle up?

If I could play these three songs on repeat I would be totally happy. Very sexy. Very sultry. Very relaxing. Let it take you to someplace happy now. 


Edge of Desire.

Slow Dancing in a Burning Room.

Regardless of whether or not you like his more "poppy" songs you can't deny he can play a mean guitar. Everyone should be so lucky to have such a passion...

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Visual Pick-me-up

Dating sucks. 
There are too many games and quite frankly I have never been much of a game player. I've opted out of Monopoly. I don't say Sorry and I prefer the literal Life as opposed to a little pink peg. I have recently been introduced to the world of "adult dating," as a friend and I like to call it. I don't much enjoy it...too much guessing. If you want to see me/talk to me/not see me/not talk to me/have dinner/watch a movie/go out....then do it for goodness sake! 
Oh yes-my feelings on this mater do elicit an exclamation point. 

Rant being released, I thought I might take this time to post a little eye candy for the ladies. I didn't take any of these and good gracious I wish I knew who did solely to shake their hand on a job well done. 
They make me want to go wonder the streets of Atlanta and find a few subjects for my own little photo series....that might be a bit creepy though, non? 
These fellas wont talk back so enjoy. 

Clearly I have a type....

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Totally Rad Tuesday!

Alright folks! 
This should be fun. 

I'm sure some of you have heard of Iron & Wine. They have been around for quite awhile now seeing as I loved them in high school when I was so smitten with the first boyfriend and being able to stay out past 10:30. I saw them live and fell ever so in love with a man with a beard and voice like honey. Now, seeing as that was a few years cough*six*cough ago I have drifted away from them and their soulful sound. However, their most recent album (it came out in January of this year but I'm a little slow on the uptake) has brought me back from the dead. The sound of Kiss Each Other Clean is unbelievably different from their old stuff but I am completely amazed at how their sound have evolved.
Let me wow you with the sounds.

(There aren't videos for these but I just want you to close your eyes and let it take you away.)
This here is called Teeth in the Grass and it remains to be one of my favorites on a rainy day. 

Now. Prepare yourselves for pure music least I think so. 

I can't stop listening to this on repeat. My roommate is about to kill me in my sleep...
Monkeys Uptown.

I can only hope they keep evolving because so far they can do no wrong. 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Totally Rad Tuesday

Hey, guess what? Im back. I know I said this before but this time I think I mean it...maybe.
This week I want to showcase a song that has been stuck in my head for a couple of weeks now. It's just so catchy.

I heard somewhere this song is about Columbine and the shooting. It gives me mixed emotions to hear this song about such an unfortunate event yet with such an upbeat rhythm.
Does anyone know the story behind this?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

B-b-b-back in action!

Whelp...It sure has been awhile. I've missed you like a rabbit misses his foot. School is starting back but some other things are ending so I believe I will have a little more time to post. Totally Rad Tuesday's will make a comeback and I will be making this a place to post more fun things I find as well as things I make.

Welcome back old friend.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Totally Rad Tuesday!

Makes me want to work it!

Down On Me by Jeremih and 50 Cent

This one just makes me giggle...if you haven't seen the lip syncs this guy does you need to. Its too funny. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

I never thought I would admit to loving a class....

I am currently taking a photojournalism class and I find myself saddened by the fact that it is only on Tuesday's. I am really enjoying it. Our first project was to do an environmental portrait. I wont explain much more...just go with it. I had too much fun....

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Totally Rad Tuesday!

Following the trend it's pretty crappy outside today. I wanted to showcase an awesome, upbeat song by an artist who has been around for a little while but seems to just recently be getting the publicity he deserves.
Travie McCoy. 
Gym Class Hero's

This song is called Need You. I adore this video because its so vibrant and colorful. Not to mention he is such an interesting looking guy. I would love to shoot him....with my camera. 

Side note: He is Katy Perry's ex. I think she married down. Just sayin...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Totally Rad Tuesday!

It seems like every Tuesday it's rainy and gross outside and I feel the need to share some power ballad or the like.


Let us discuss this woman. She is beautiful. My roommate and I were discussing her last night. We adore the fact that she doesn't fit into the supermodel skinny mold. (I know by acknowledging this I could just be enforcing the idea of there actually being one...but lets be honest here. There is.) Anyway, I made a statement along the lines of- if she were to even try to fit that mold I'm afraid her voice would go with. Now, if you have ever heard her sing you know that would be a cryin' shame. She has a voice so reminiscent of an era of pencil skirts and curves for miles- think Mad Men. (Christina Hendricks is a topic for another day....possibly tomorrow.)

May I present to you the soulful and sultry sounds of ADELE.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Totally Rad Tuesday!

Good morning great people! 
Its...Tuesday and frankly kind of gross outside. 
This is the perfect song for it. It's strong and vulnerable; it makes me want to fall in love at first sight....or start a revolution. I think I would prefer the latter right now. Who's in?

Mumford and Sons-Awake My Soul

Monday, January 17, 2011

Self Portrait in Black.

My friend Leslie and I got a little carried away the other night. It was a ton of fun to get back to my camera though. I don't think I have EVER worn this much make up though. Eeeek