Thursday, October 27, 2011

Occupy or Overrated?

Occupy Wall Street.
Occupy Atlanta.
Occupy Oakland.
Regardless of how you feel about the protests one must agree that it is simultaneously heart breaking that people feel the need to rally against something so ardently and awe inspiring that people are still willing to fight (non-violently) for change or a belief. I understand that it has been said the protesters don't have demands or a reason for what they are doing. Truthfully, (and this is why my father and I don't discuss politics) I love what they are doing. I think it has come to mean different things to different people. Personally, I am in support of this. I don't think they are demanding anything for a reason. It is a peaceful protest to bring more awareness to the "99%," a peaceful protest to get voters to think about what they are doing in the coming elections, and a peaceful protest to gain the attention of politicians in the decisions they make in the office we put them in. They are representing us, the people.

We have the right to peaceably assemble.
That said, there are the few that take a protest too far and give the whole movement a bad name. I do not endorse those few.
It breaks my heart most of all to see these protests in Atlanta and Oakland raided by the Police. It is not an Us vs. Them. These men and women put their lives on the line to keep us safe on a daily basis; I respect what they do. It does make me sad that an order has been given for them to raid and arrest people gathered peacefully in a city that they live in, pay taxes towards and contribute to economically. I believe it is largely the threat of violence from the authority figure that causes the protester to react.
My shpeal being spilled...I want to share a blog post and AMAZING photos of the Atlanta raid from a friend of mine. 

Jason Hensel is an amazing photographer with a awesome eye. I can only one day hope to be at his level.
I hope everyone enjoys his post and really thinks about what is going on. Take it to heart. 

"People should not fear their Governments; Governments should fear their people."
-Alan Moore
V for Vendetta. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Totally Rad Tuesday!

Hello World!
Today feels like a good day and I want to share some groovy tunes with you all. 
(Yeah...I  said groovy. Learn to love it.)

I can remember hanging out with friends in high school and listening to this song on repeat. I knew all the words and I thought I was so cool. I learned later that I was not and this is not what was popular in 2004 but I still love it none the less. 
It is amazingly upbeat and will put a pep in your step. I want to be the girl that he's talking about. She sounds awesome!

Brenton Wood- Oogum Boogum.

Enjoy the tunes and Groove on, my friends. Groove on!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Totally Rad Tuesday!

It's still Tuesday! I haven't run out of time yet so I'll make a quick post before taking a nice warm bath (because this weather is already too cold for my taste...) and going to bed. 
Someone asked that I perhaps showcase a band or two that played at Music Midtown this year. Let me say that I am stoked it has been brought back but saddened by the fact I didn't get to go. 

All the more reason to listen to Young the Giant...I didn't get to see them so I need my fill.

"My Body"


They just make me want to get up and dance. 
White man's overbite. 
Work it!!


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thunderous Thursday..?

Forgive me for my lack of Totally Rad Tuesday this week. I had something due in everyone of my classes and because of a glorious sinus infection I, of course, waited until the very last minute. (Let me say I am not proud of procrastination...Kids-don't do this at home.)

Lately, I have been back on a John Mayer kick. There are a couple of truly sexy songs and with the weather getting cooler and warm and touchable clothes coming back into style who doesn't want to listen to some Mayer and cuddle up?

If I could play these three songs on repeat I would be totally happy. Very sexy. Very sultry. Very relaxing. Let it take you to someplace happy now. 


Edge of Desire.

Slow Dancing in a Burning Room.

Regardless of whether or not you like his more "poppy" songs you can't deny he can play a mean guitar. Everyone should be so lucky to have such a passion...