Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Totally Rad Tuesday!

For some reason it always seems to be gross outside on Totally Rad Tuesdays. Therefore you can rely on the music to warm you up...that and coffee.

Everyone has that one band or musician who they can listen to forever. If I was stuck on a dessert island (with no hope of ever getting off...) and I could only bring three things I would bring a crap ton of books, a lifetime supply of lip balm and a man by the name of Clarence Greenwood or more commonly known as Citizen Cope. 
*Insert googly eyes and dreamy sigh here*

Most people know a song or two of his if they hear it but his voice, music and lyrics stretch far beyond. He is very political but with a voice like honey.  Oh, and the dreads with the face scruff...
Just go listen before I start a tangent.

"Pablo Picasso"

"107 degrees"

"Bullet and a Target"

"Hurricane Waters"
This is my personal favorite. 

Enjoy and stay warm friends! 

Feel free to let me know of new music. My library is in dire need of expansion.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Totally Rad Tuesday!

I apologize for missing last week. It's finals time and graduation (FINALLY!!) on top of that. I resolve to be better from here on out.
I plan on having a little more to post aside from TRT because of this awesome site *drum roll please* PINTEREST
If you haven't heard of this-get on it. It's like crack for chicks. 

I've been crafting more and that really takes away from the school work...not that I was ever that on it to begin with. 

Speaking of tall redheads....
What? Keep up.
I happen to know quite a lot about tall redheads seeing as I happen to be one. That's about all I have in common with my latest musical obsession. 
Florence and the Machine. 

I'm sure most of you know about "Dog Days Are Over" but she has some other songs that are amazing. The beats are fierce and her voice is shiver inducing. They make me want to run. So I do...to this.

"Shake it Out"
I've posted on this before, but I love masks. 
Masked balls.
Bank robberies. 
I'll take it all and this is right up my alley. 

"Heavy In Your Arms"
This was awesome before Eclipse-or in spite of. 
Just sayin.

"Drumming Song"
There is a live version of this that is wonderful. It makes me want to run away from the sound inside my head.

Hope this helps with the studying procrastination! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Totally Rad Tuesday!

I am in a stellar, groovy, excellent, fantastic and down right funky mood today folks. 
Today on my musical roster are some tunes that are either making me laugh and dance in my seat at school not giving a damn who sees me. In fact I HOPE people see me and it puts a smile on their face and a bounce in their step. 

Note: This is me. I have done and continue to do this on a daily basis. Perhaps that is why I love this movie so much. I have also changed my ring tone to this song. Confused friend faces here I come!
If this doesn't make you laugh-you have no soul. 

Now for the real on. It's a toe tapper. 
Natasha Bedingfield-Pocket Full of Sunshine

Rihanna- We Found Love
I'm not her hugest fan but I cant get this song out of my head. Let's dance!

Drake ft. Rihanna- Take Care

If I ever met Drake I would casually shake his hand seeming to be the cool white girl who appreciates his music. I would them proceed to attach myself to him and never let go. Crazy white girl who loves Drake. 

Drake- Little Bit

Empty house. Underpants. Repeat. Loud. Dance. Get it? 

Stay rad my friends. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

No Shave November: Round 2

Looking back, I did a NSN post last year which revolved around my love for mustaches. Now, I don't want you to go around with the notion that I am biased against facial hair. I do not discriminate. 
Beards are hot.
MEN: Grow them. Wear flannel. Cut down a tree. 

Please allow me to share some awesome. 
(I may have gotten a little carried away...)
My advice for men ^ 

This just made me laugh. There is a thing as too much. 

Exhibit A. 

This guy needs a new girlfriend. 

 What happens if they're the same length?


 Before I die, I will knit one of these...


 Yum part deux.

Baby beard!!

My point being...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Totally Rad Tuesday!

It is cold outside...not a fan here.
However, lately I've been listening non-stop to Kings Of Leon and it warms my thoughts. Those thoughts revolving largely around the bearded, redheaded frontman with the voice of a god. I've heard they're a pretty big deal but mainstream aside they are just plain ol' good.
(Side note: Their live shows are something to be seen...wonderful.)
One of my favorite songs of their is called "Milk" It's an old one of theirs and truthfully I think it could be their best work. I did a painting to this music for a class that I might post later.

The singers voice is quite unique and their most recent album is awesome-to say the least. I'll post a few of my favorites. In the sake of full disclosure...they can be a little raunchy. If you're like me at all you will blush a little and smile a lot more. Totally worth the listen.



Mi Amigo

Have a Totally Rad Tuesday, ya'll!