Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Totally Rad Tuesday!

It is cold outside...not a fan here.
However, lately I've been listening non-stop to Kings Of Leon and it warms my thoughts. Those thoughts revolving largely around the bearded, redheaded frontman with the voice of a god. I've heard they're a pretty big deal but mainstream aside they are just plain ol' good.
(Side note: Their live shows are something to be seen...wonderful.)
One of my favorite songs of their is called "Milk" It's an old one of theirs and truthfully I think it could be their best work. I did a painting to this music for a class that I might post later.

The singers voice is quite unique and their most recent album is awesome-to say the least. I'll post a few of my favorites. In the sake of full disclosure...they can be a little raunchy. If you're like me at all you will blush a little and smile a lot more. Totally worth the listen.



Mi Amigo

Have a Totally Rad Tuesday, ya'll!

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